The Art of Structural Unwinding

Where the acupuncture needle meets the fascia......


Learn how to quickly identify a patients pain referral pattern

Experience how to easily create a twitch response through palpation and a specialized needling technique

Observe an immediate change in the soft tissue of your patient

Seamlessly integrate a new needling skill into your TCM treatment plan

Perform Trigger Point needling with confidence

Taught by Acupuncturists


What students are saying…

I was blown away by your seminar. I saw about 12 patients yesterday and used trigger points for about half of those patients with immediate results! It was insanely amazing! I would really love to continue studying with you and learn as much as I can before I move away from NY in June. Would you be potentially open to taking me on as an intern at your clinic once or twice a week from February to June? I want to expose myself to as much trigger point work as I can and I would love to learn from you. Plus, I love surrounding myself with other women who inspire me to become a better practitioner.
— Dr. Patchi Malfitano, DACM, L.Ac.


TrP Seminars was created for Acupuncturists by an Acupuncturist who specializes in treating myofascial pain conditions by way of using a referral pain fascial mapping system and Trigger Point needling.

Learn More →


Ready to take the next step? Click below to review both courses being offered and to find out when and where they will be located. All courses are geared towards teaching the art of Trigger Point needling. No experience required.

Intro to Trigger Point Acupuncture / Dry Needling Class →

Treating the Multisport Athlete Class  →