Trigger Point Acupuncture / Dry Needling: INTRO to Structural Unwinding and Removing Pain Patterns 2 Day Class
““I hit the send button before I could tell you that 5 patients called the office after their (Trigger Point needling) treatment to tell me - IT WAS THE BEST TREATMENT THEY HAD EVER HAD - THANK YOU for giving me something I can get excited about and works! ”
what to expect:
This course is both a didactic lecture and needling lab based on the physiology of the myofascial system and how understanding this internal fabric can dictate how to treat dysfunctional biomechanical movement patterns that lead to pain. Trigger Points are defined nodules located in each muscle and in order to treat them effectively the practitioner needs to know how to decode the origin of the dysfunction. The practitioner will learn how TrP’s can be released through the process of palpation and needling for a fasciculation twitch response.
What patients are saying:
““Bianca is a master clinician. She does something special that others just cannot. She is an expert at ‘dry needling’. Dry needling is an amazing technique where she finds your tight trigger points in your muscles and she is able to release them. In doing so, your body will be free to move as it should. If you have nagging pains in parts of your body that won’t seem to go away, give Bianca and her needles a chance just once or twice. Trust me, you will feel the difference!!” ”