“The introduction of Trigger Point needling has been a game changer for my training. It has become part of my weekly routine for triathlon training by aiding in tissue recovery and staying looser overall. Not only has it helped me keep to my daily Ironman training and racing schedule but it has helped keep me healthier and pain free every day! It is an absolute must for not just the triathlete but for anyone with an active lifestyle!””
Live course. NCCAOM and/or California 13.5 CEUs awarded after class is completed.
Treating the Multisport Athlete
The individual sports of swimming, cycling and running each requires unique patterns of anatomical movements. When all three are combined into a multisport endurance race, biomechanical efficiency, neuromuscular control and optimal cardiopulmonary output is essential. Many athletes, both amateur and professional alike, deal with repetitive strain injuries due to unilateral dominance, joint mobility restrictions and improper myofascial recruitment. Treating these athletes requires the skill to accurately assess orthopedic dysfunctions and to elicit efficient and timely treatments via Trigger Point needling to help them return to their training and racing schedules as quickly as possible.
Join us for a CEU packed weekend and learn how to take care of the multisport triathlete!
“ I have been a Spin Instructor for just over 19 years as well as a long distance cyclist. The wear and tear on my body had taken its toll. I have had nagging injuries to my hip flexors, glutes and piriformis. I had gotten to the point where I had been given serious consideration to hang up my cycling shoes. I had stopped doing Spartan Races and Triathlons because it wasn’t worth the aftermath of pain.
I was introduced to trigger point needling and it was the the only treatment that has made me feel 100% better! Not only am I teaching at a high level again, I am back in the world of triathlon and consistently stand on the podium in these races! I feel like there is nothing I can’t do physically when I have Trigger Point needling to help me along the way. Getting treatment right after these races has been extremely helpful for my recovery and to keep me on top of my game. ”
NCCAOM Approved 13.5 PDA AOM-BIO
Click here for an article about Acupuncture posted in USA Triathlon magazine.