1. Practitioner will be proficient in the language of the multisport athlete
2. Practitioner will be able to efficiently complete the most common orthopedic and myofascial assessments pertaining to swimming, cycling and running
3. Practitioner will understand what an efficient swim stroke, pedal stroke and running stride looks like while being able to discern improper and inefficient techniques that lead to painful dysfunctions
4. Practitioner will be able to palpate, assess and treat with TrP needling the most common Trigger Points associated with swimming, cycling and running injuries
5. Practitioner will be able to properly execute fascial taping to help their treatments "hold" 

Day One:

9am - 9:30: Welcome. Course introductions and overview of curriculum.

9:30 - 10:30: What makes up a multisport athlete (physical, mental, emotional makeup).
What is endurance and what role does physiology play in allowing someone to perform activities for long periods of time (e.g. heart rate zone training, power training, cardiopulmonary efficiency, muscle firing patterns, fatigue)

10:45 - 11:30: The anatomy of a swim stroke.
What does an efficient vs inefficient swim stroke present like with its accompanying biomechanical dysfunctions (e.g. improper pull stroke and strain on the bicep) and what are the most common TrPs related to a swimming overuse injury. 

12:30 - 1:00pm: Demonstration of how to use orthopedic assessment to evaluate the joint vs soft tissue and the palpation of the 4 most common Trigger Points in swimming injuries and how to efficiently needle them to decrease pain and improve function:
1. Upper Trapezius
2. Latissimus dorsi
3. Corachobrachialis
4. Levator Scapulae

1:00 - 3:00pm: Supervised practice with each participant palpating, locating and correctly evaluating and needling with a Trigger Point technique while eliciting the appropriate twitch response and myofascial release of the desired muscle.

3:15 - 4:15pm: Review of the morning lecture, clarifying the importance of understanding the fascial direction of the muscles involved when treating with the Trigger Point technique. 

4:15 - 5:00pm: Introduction to the use of Fascia Tape to secure the soft tissue and to preserve the practitioners treatment. Overview of stretching/strengthening as a take home for the patient.

Day Two:
9:00 - 9:45am: The anatomy of a bike fit  (road bike vs aero triathlon / time trial bike).
What does an efficient vs inefficient cycling position present like with its accompanying biomechanical dysfunctions (e.g. improper low back/hip position and low back pain) and what are the most common TrPs related to a cycling overuse injury. 

9:45 - 10:15am: Demonstration of how to use orthopedic assessment to evaluate the joint vs soft tissue and the palpation of the 4 most common Trigger Points in cycling injuries and how to efficiently needle them to decrease pain and improve function:

1. Quadratus Lumborum for Low Back Pain
2. Suboccipitals for Neck Pain due to aero position
3. Vastus Lateralis / Gluteus Minimus for ITB syndrome

10:45 - 12:45pm: Supervised practice with each participant palpating, locating and correctly evaluating and needling with a Trigger Point technique while eliciting the appropriate twitch response and myofascial release of the desired muscle.

1:15 - 2:00pm: The anatomy of the running gait.
What does an efficient vs inefficient running stride present like with its accompanying biomechanical dysfunctions (e.g. heel strike and knee pain) and what are the most common TrPs related to a running overuse injury. 

2:00 - 2:30pm: Demonstration of how to use orthopedic assessment to evaluate the joint vs soft tissue and the palpation of the 3 most common Trigger Points in running injuries and how to efficiently needle them to decrease pain and improve function:
1. Medial / Lateral Gastrocnemius/Soleus complex for Plantar Fasciitis and Achilles Strain
2. Rectus Femoris for Anterior Knee Pain (Patellar Pain)
3. Bicep Femoris for Posterior Knee Pain / High Hamstring Strain

2:30 - 4:30pm: Supervised practice with each participant palpating, locating and correctly evaluating and needling with a Trigger Point technique while eliciting the appropriate twitch response and myofascial release of the desired muscle.

4:30 - 5:00p: Review of weekend, use of fascia tape for Cycling and Running, stretching/strengthening as home exercise and distribute course evaluation sheets. 


Trigger Point Acupuncture / Dry Needling: Treating the Multisport Triathlete

Live course. NCCAOM and/or California 13.5 CEUs awarded after class is completed.

Course Sponsored by


Course Sponsored by


Peace Needles